Bloodthirsty (MP thread)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Aaron Toral
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 20:00:12 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
After finding one of the...numerous jerks turning his town into a fucking warzone, it was time to actually show him a lesson! Amber eyes glared at the Gabite wielding guy. He didn't know if the guy had already been in a fight or not, but he'll take leftovers. And cripple this jerkoff while he was at it. Just because he was only fourteen years old didn't mean Aaron didn't have his dark side. Taking out a Pokeball, he threw it. Letting Metagross out, the metal meteor didn't say a thing as it landed on the ground. "Magnet Rise." Simple, cold, and monotone, at the command, Metagross sparked in electricity just briefly, letting it float in the air, immune to ground attacks. There was still fire attacks to worry about, but he had contingentcies for that. And tricks for it as well. But first, what will this guy use?

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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 17:41:44 GMT
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and he thought his colleagues were edgy.

his previous opponent in doesn't hold a candle to 's "there you are you bitch! fight me!". it's a different flavor of angst that he wished he can muster on demand.

"language! jeez!" he yells as he gets stopped after running away from the silvally trainer. "fine! i'll indulge ya!"

his entire party wasn't there to be brought to fight other trainers, but given that they don't have much of a choice, he's forced to throw them in harm's way. doesn't help that none of them really fare well against the opponent.

the pokemon beside him takes the front. she's already out anyways.


the gabite skids from its sprint to turn around as it sprays the steel-type with a jet of flames hot enough for a regular metagross to handle comfortably.

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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 1:46:54 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Language? This punk was worried about his language?! Seriously?! Gritting teeth, his amber eyes narrowed. "Language? You want me to mind my f*cking language? That's rich coming from you f*ckfaces f*cking up my f*cking town! You've already set this place ablaze once, now I need to kick the ass of whoever set the town ablaze again, but the root cause is still you jackasses! So you're going to be my first victim, f*ckface!" In complete change to what he normally was, Aaron was quite emotional and actually seemed mad at Rocket. And with good reason. But there was a battle to do!

The Gabite turned on its heel, and fired off a Flamethrower. Easy to counter. "Metagross, compress and use Psycho Cut." The large blue metallic meteor tucked its legs in, glowing pinkish, then fired a slicing wave of psychic energy at the flames. The attack split the flames in half, making them pass by each side harmlessly. And pass by Aaron by extension. The Psycho Cut still continued on to try to chop up the land shark. Aaron wasn't messing around at all with this.

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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 4:13:49 GMT
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priam appears surprised. he seems too shocked that he waited for him to finish the tirade instead of issuing another move, though he supposed that was part of the fun.

"you sound like someone who just learned the word 'fuck'." he raises a brow and smirks, although none of it is visible from under the cover of his helmet. "but yeah, we're not destroyin' littleroot. haven't ya got the memo?"

he points on the ground on the holes left on the ground by a larger steelix, which, compared to the path his gabite took, was less precise and neat.

priam usually wouldn't be bothered with the attack, until he remembered that the distortion changed his zoroark's typing as well. the pokemon attempts to dodged for itself, but gets nicked, removing the illusion.

the attack goes past them, leaving a scar on the ground.

"oh, shit! i still need you!" priam cries as he recalls his pokemon before switching it to his kirlia. "future sight!"

nothing happens immediately, but it's just the nature of the move.

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 15:05:48 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
"Don't try to patronize me. You brought this to Littleroot. If you hadn't come here to fight, this destruction would not have occurred. Collateral damage would always occur in an unregulated fight. Don't try to shurk off responsiblity for your destruction onto the League or myself." The audacity! Though it did confirm his suspicion that the syndicate was perhaps full of self rightous morons thinking they were revolutionaries. The ego these guys had!

While the Gabite mostly avoided the attack, it seemed to have nicked it a little. Shattering the illusion, and revealing it to be some sort of odd looking Zoroark. Who was evidently very important to this guy's plans and switched to a Kirlia. That...wasn't a smart move. Particularly when he commanded it to use Future Sight. As powerful as an attack as it was, Metagross was resistant to it quite heavily. Well, time to show him what was up, especially since Kirlia is part Fairy type. "Time to get close, use Bullet Punch." The hovering giant started to spin and accelerate towards the other Psychic type, aiming a Bullet Punch straight to the gut with high speed.

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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 16:31:53 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"ah, ya fuckin' got me! i don't have anythin' against that!"

priam slaps his forehead, only to hit his helmet. he's so not used to using disguises, but they were really needed if he wants to keep a semblance of a life outside of crime.

that hinges on the part where the meteor doesn't hit the region though.

"anyways, use teleport."

the kirlia goes flying in the air, unable to avoid the speed of the metagross. while it recovers midair, it disappears from sight, only to reappear in front of aaron. despite being battered, it lifts its skirt and does a curtsy.

priam shouts as both of them are faced by each other's pokemon.

"hey! wanna go one for one? let yer metagross hit me and my kirly's gonna do the same. you down?"

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 0:13:43 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Well, at least the guy understood. But he was still going to go down! The Kirlia was knocked into the air, but before he could order a Meteor Mash, it Teleported. Right in front of him, and it curtsied. All the boy did was snap his fingers, and Metagross turned to face him and saw where it's target was. After a rather horrific roar that drowned out whatever the guy was saying, it sped towards them with another Bullet Punch. Admittedly, the little Pokemon didn't look real good. Hopefully it was a one shot KO at this point. Still, Aaron stepped back as his Metagross retook it's position in front of him. Like a terrifying guardian, even Aaron could feel the meteor's bloodlust for that stunt. In a way, Aaron was glad that he made that much of a positive influence on the Pokemon to make it feel protective of him, despite the lack of time he had with it. Well, it wasn't a time to back down yet. That hole was much larger than typical, so this guy still had something up his sleeve.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 4:39:04 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
a supercomputer like a metagross should have enough processing speed to stop on its tracks, so priam wasn't really at all worried at the slightest.

future sight finally hits, but not where it's conventional.

an influx of psychic energy explodes underneath the kirlia, loosening the already loosened ground even further to create a hole underneath the kirlia, leading to one of the tunnels his steelix has made from searching for him.

the petite psychic-type drops, dodging the metagross' attack in the most opportune moment, as per it's prediction.

"well, it's no use tryin' to fight ya. 's not you though. it's me."

as his kirlia comes back to him to be recalled in its ball, priam replaces it with another one. a koffing starts spewing a strange smoke, purplish in color, that wafts in their direction.

"i think we should split up from here. i'll miss ya though, kid who says 'fuck' a lot."

poison gas creeps towards aaron and his metagross. it won't affect the pokemon, but it would the trainer. vision gets impaired from aaron's side, and the presence of the xerneas is felt.

it's z-move starts to split the two of them up.

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 0:04:27 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Well, that was unexpected. Kirlia's Future Sight burst a hole underneath it, and dropped, avoiding the Bullet Punch. With some parting words, the Rocket returned Kirlia, switched in Koffing, and let it spew out Poison Gas. That was going to be an issue, even with someone's attack getting in the way. "Meteor Mash. Collapse the tunnels and create a shockwave to dissipate that gas." With it's front two arms glowing white, Metagross slammed into the ground, collapsing many of his tunnels and the shockwave sending the gas away. But between the unknown move and the poison gas, his prey escaped without any major loss. With an annoyed sound, he left to search elsewhere for more prey.
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vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 7:11:47 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
by the time the poison gas passes, priam was long gone.

roots start to sprout from the ground, dividing the land between them. priam's protection comes in the form of 's z-move performed elsewhere.

it was part of the plan, albeit too late for it to matter.

priam's down his heavy hitter, with two of his pokemon in dire straits to near unusable. resources are out in such a short period of time, and there's more to follow. saving them up was the right choice.

with the wall of vines behind him to protect his back, he goes further into the theater's vicinity, trying to find any more straggler to delay until rocket regroups and finds their bearings.


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Bloodthirsty (MP thread)
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 4:00:12 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP BATTLE COMPLETE!


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